view of proper behavior that we seek to maintain, as a committee, we wish to correct an article we published a few days ago and since we have eliminated based on incomplete information in our possession.
We said, if I remember that the number of these pharmacies on a municipal area was determined by the Law No. 8 November 1991. 362 which says that pharmacies in communities with fewer than 12,550 inhabitants may be one for every 5,000 people. If so, then Rottofreno (which had just over 11,000 inhabitants at the end of October 2009) could not be opened the third pharmacy.
Well, when you are wrong you need to have fairness and intellectual honesty to admit it. Indeed, the information in our possession were partial and not complete.
E 'enough, in fact, read the resolution of the City Council to realize that the management and periodic review of so-called "organic plants" of pharmacies have been delegated to the Provinces with Regional Law 3 / 1999.
So that the County Council with its resolution number 119 of 01.12.2008 approved the revised staffing plan of urban and rural pharmacies in the province of Piacenza for the year 2008, which approved the request for the establishment the third pharmacy in the village area of \u200b\u200bRottingdean.
After deliberation with the provincial leaders No 292 of 23/02/2009 was prepared to award the City of Rottingdean seat pharmaceutical n.3 urban, newly established by locating nerlla village of San Nicolo. Finally, a note dated 27/02/2009 prot. 0016461 the same Province informed the City of Rottingdean on the ownership of the pharmacy same priority by the City Council by Resolution No. 4 of 12/02/2009 Recommend.
remains the use of the TAR made by the proprietor of the pharmacy of St. Nicholas, an appeal that we may know before you give at this point, additional reviews.
We trust that both you and the same administration.
Our goal, in fact, is not to be "against whatever" but is to be "an incentive anyway."
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