Searching within the site of the City of Rottingdean, we have found a document that outlined the commitments of the municipal administration in terms of environmental policy. It also issued the certificate of conformity of the Environmental Management System of the City to UNI EN ISO 14001:04, which expires in December 2009. We do not know if it was renewed; among other things, there is not even a certificate, but only the logo of the certification. However
out the full text of environmental policy, to make it available on our blog and in the coming days we will make some remarks on these commitments. Ben are also your comments ....
remember that environmental policy is the document whereby the direction (in this case the Mayor and Councillor for the Environment) states its commitment and objectives to be achieved, in the face of these commitments requires intervention plans, monitoring and corrective or preventive actions, as we have already said.
Regarding the post on January 15 last, we point out the target revealed in bold.
"The City of Rottingdean, aware that the quality of the landscape and represent a heritage to be valued and protected, intends to pursue a strategy of sustainable development through the adoption of management policies and territorial governance , aimed at the enhancement of environmental resources while allowing the City to facilitate the alignment from a social point of view, working and living conditions to those of neighboring towns, looking for synergetic overhead lines.
Since environmental management aimed at continuous improvement , needs to make the operating upport efficient organizational structure and functional and the compliance with all environmental laws and regulations, our municipal government has embarked on the path towards environmental certification of their organization by introducing a management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001:04.
The City therefore, during the course of his duties, is committed to maintaining compliance with environmental legislation, regulatory requirements and other requirements voluntarily subscribed.
same time, the organization intends to pursue the continuous improvement of environmental performance for the reduction and pollution prevention, identifying and ensuring that the environmental aspects and impacts (direct and indirect) from activities, products and services under its jurisdiction and to exercise influence over the activities of third parties in the area, considering a priori the impacts of all new activities and new processes.
In this spirit, the City Administration, consistent with the nature and size of environmental impacts and financial resources and identifies and pursues the following objectives give priority
promote increased recycling of waste reduction through incentives fees charged for the actuators of the improvement;
integrate within their own instruments of government of the territory after a careful discipline to the preservation and enhancement the natural environment and the prevention of pollution (noise, electromagnetic, water, soil and subsoil);
Enable and promote initiatives aimed at prevention of environmental emergencies related all'assetto geological and hydrological land ;
Systematically monitor consumption of resources of the undertaking to assess the potential for savings;
safeguard the natural heritage and vegetation, through coordinated actions with the general population and schools, also implemented with the use of those reserved for reforestation by the regional law ;
Promote awareness among employees at all levels towards environmental protection and implement appropriate training programs relating to accountability in its activities;
Carrying out training / awareness on environmental issues addressed to citizens, tourists and schoolchildren to create a culture of respect for the environment, promote and
encourage the acquisition of ISO 14001 environmental certification and adherence to EMAS by the public and private institutions operating in the area;
Adopt criteria argument in the environmental management of their supply (GPP);
strengthen the endowment and availability of public green areas and facilitate the improvement of green areas rural
Carrying out information and awareness of the value of the "Well Water" on the entire population, enabling the free distribution of "natural water, mineral and fresh" at the well for drinking water on the island and maintained by Enia, creating a real their "free water distribution point."
This Administration is committed to debate, to approve and periodically review the contents of this policy, depending on the achievement of objectives.
will also be responsible for this Administration will organize and implement the dissemination of this policy statement to all staff and make available municipal the public and all external parties involved.
Rottofreno November 10, 2006 The Mayor
Giulio Maserati