Roman Holiday: Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck
Sunday is always Sunday
of Peter Garinei , Sandro Giovannini and Gorni Kramer
sings Mario Riva
is Sunday for the poor and gentlemen,
everyone can sleep peacefully.
Neither horns or sirens, no motors,
wakes up in the city more smoothly.
Even the rooster, very caring,
not "Chicchirichi.
Wrote the henhouse:
"Good rest, returning Monday"
Sunday is always a Sunday ,
wakes up the town with the bells.
At the first chime of the Gianicolo
responds Sant'Angelo din-don-dan.
Sunday is always a Sunday
and everyone just wake up
happy and will spend
these four money from happiness.
Sunday is always a Sunday
and everyone just wake up
happy and will spend
these four money from happiness.
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