Sunday, January 31, 2010

Intestine Infection And Soap Taste In Mouth

Yesterday morning (Saturday, January 30, 2010 nd), there was a planned meeting with the Town Council of Rottingdean in full for the first "step" of routes provided for institution-building after the presentation of our petition aimed at drawing of a municipal regulation for the exercise of the popular initiative as required by the Municipal Statute

The meeting was certainly a "legal obligation" by the administration, but this remains to be done in a climate of substantial proactive by both parties.

We have no doubt about the fact that the Regulation will certainly be passed by the City Council .... if only because it is Articles of Association Hall while it never was drafted.

would be interesting and "fun" test ever since 1992 (when the statutes were launched local) to date none of our amminisratori had never noticed this serious shortcoming, but perhaps it is better to focus on his acting as soon, at least to avoid "heartburn."

Now, however, it is time to move forward with our plans. First of all the so-called "tangenzialina of Rottingdean. We made a commitment to citizenship and will not become less.

A new short articles to illustrate how we are moving.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Why Does It Feel Good To Wear Rubber Gloves


Following the rapid and welcome response to our petition by the Mayor Giulio Maserati (pictured), we have agreed with such a preliminary meeting for Saturday, January 30 pv at the municipal offices of Rottingdean.
During the meeting we will be given the opportunity to illustrate the main features of your local rules for the exercise of the popular initiative that we require ( can view or download by clicking on the icon here in space top right ) and the draft of which was made with the submission of the signatures collected.
We are fully satisfied of the process undertaken and for this we must thank the Mayor and objectively all the municipal administration.
will of course do our utmost to keep you informed of all developments arising from the meeting, as well as any news that might, in the meantime, take action.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Do They Sell Pink And Black Jordans


Searching within the site of the City of Rottingdean, we have found a document that outlined the commitments of the municipal administration in terms of environmental policy. It also issued the certificate of conformity of the Environmental Management System of the City to UNI EN ISO 14001:04, which expires in December 2009. We do not know if it was renewed; among other things, there is not even a certificate, but only the logo of the certification. However
out the full text of environmental policy, to make it available on our blog and in the coming days we will make some remarks on these commitments. Ben are also your comments ....
remember that environmental policy is the document whereby the direction (in this case the Mayor and Councillor for the Environment) states its commitment and objectives to be achieved, in the face of these commitments requires intervention plans, monitoring and corrective or preventive actions, as we have already said.
Regarding the post on January 15 last, we point out the target revealed in bold.

"The City of Rottingdean, aware that the quality of the landscape and represent a heritage to be valued and protected, intends to pursue a strategy of sustainable development through the adoption of management policies and territorial governance , aimed at the enhancement of environmental resources while allowing the City to facilitate the alignment from a social point of view, working and living conditions to those of neighboring towns, looking for synergetic overhead lines.
Since environmental management aimed at continuous improvement , needs to make the operating upport efficient organizational structure and functional and the compliance with all environmental laws and regulations, our municipal government has embarked on the path towards environmental certification of their organization by introducing a management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001:04.
The City therefore, during the course of his duties, is committed to maintaining compliance with environmental legislation, regulatory requirements and other requirements voluntarily subscribed.
same time, the organization intends to pursue the continuous improvement of environmental performance for the reduction and pollution prevention, identifying and ensuring that the environmental aspects and impacts (direct and indirect) from activities, products and services under its jurisdiction and to exercise influence over the activities of third parties in the area, considering a priori the impacts of all new activities and new processes.
In this spirit, the City Administration, consistent with the nature and size of environmental impacts and financial resources and identifies and pursues the following objectives give priority i:
promote increased recycling of waste reduction through incentives fees charged for the actuators of the improvement;
integrate within their own instruments of government of the territory after a careful discipline to the preservation and enhancement the natural environment and the prevention of pollution (noise, electromagnetic, water, soil and subsoil);
Enable and promote initiatives aimed at prevention of environmental emergencies related all'assetto geological and hydrological land ;
Systematically monitor consumption of resources of the undertaking to assess the potential for savings;
safeguard the natural heritage and vegetation, through coordinated actions with the general population and schools, also implemented with the use of those reserved for reforestation by the regional law ;
Promote awareness among employees at all levels towards environmental protection and implement appropriate training programs relating to accountability in its activities;
Carrying out training / awareness on environmental issues addressed to citizens, tourists and schoolchildren to create a culture of respect for the environment, promote and
encourage the acquisition of ISO 14001 environmental certification and adherence to EMAS by the public and private institutions operating in the area;
Adopt criteria argument in the environmental management of their supply (GPP);
strengthen the endowment and availability of public green areas and facilitate the improvement of green areas rural
Carrying out information and awareness of the value of the "Well Water" on the entire population, enabling the free distribution of "natural water, mineral and fresh" at the well for drinking water on the island and maintained by Enia, creating a real their "free water distribution point."
This Administration is committed to debate, to approve and periodically review the contents of this policy, depending on the achievement of objectives.
will also be responsible for this Administration will organize and implement the dissemination of this policy statement to all staff and make available municipal the public and all external parties involved.
Rottofreno November 10, 2006 The Mayor
Giulio Maserati

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Phone Directory Kerala

Panizzari: .... AND THE POWER TO THAT OF WHO '??

The published picture above was shot yesterday, Friday 15 January 2010 at about 14.00 and to date (not being in August .. . that could be expected in the atmospheric heat) the situation has not changed! In game that is called "the power is not mine but of ...." which seems to us an easy buck more than anything, our Councillor this time we can not participate.
fact, he, in addition to the delegation for the Environment, has also that of Public Works.
Well, the photo above is referred to Piazza Marconi ... is that of our own City Hall, let's also frequented by the same Panizzari, and depicts the ' SOLE reserved parking for the handicapped sula this square, in the service of those less fortunate us, used as useless as a point of accumulation of snow shoveled from the same square. All other parking spaces are free, but the most important of all is inaccessible to the accumulated snow!
And who's responsible for this be?
Considering that in the opinion of our upstanding alderman issues related to Tebbbia are the responsibility of the Technical Department of the Basin, and those Po is the responsibility inherent in the AIP, that the arrangement of the gardens in front of the train station Rottofreno (which could be used by citizens) is the responsibility of the State Railways, given all this, and having spent several days from now ' Last snowfall, we must assume that the jurisdiction of this shameful situation must be attributed to some distant unknown entity .... because if by chance, and instead imagine how it could be legitimized, the jurisdiction being of our dear Councillor (with the "a" lower case), well ..... it would be another great look bad for him! As the guy said
?........ ah yes: "a beautiful silence was never written"!
Finally, contrary to what (or "shot") from the pages of Freedom Panizzari, we do not "shoot", we present the reality as the one in the photo above, and above all do not intend to stand for elections of the next years as he stubbornly maintains ,.... but for the love of God him to do the same!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Eminent Luggage Combination Lock Fix


Once again, the newspaper "Freedom" today, January 15, our Directors have illustrated the contradictory their claims when they are challenged to make decisions and answer questions about concrete and altogether too simple, in our opinion.
The idea was born from the situation that has arisen on the banks of Trebbia near the quarry, where the erosion of the bank is likely to create communication with the riverbed gravel settling tanks.
We believe the correct position of the Mayor, who says to call the directors before reporting the situation to the press, in good faith but we thought it was already done and will account for future situations.
We do not understand much but the attitude to the environment Councillor, who accuses our committee to "shoot" that "Are nothing more than an advance of the election campaign."
E 'an almost hysterical and offensive attitude towards all citizens who have decided to participate actively in the policy of the town of Rottingdean without any personal interest, but only for citizenship and to help stimulate the Administration on issues close to citizens and this concept of "escape" the official policy, so to speak, and you immediately think of the danger of losing his seat ..... is not so, our aim is to prod the Administration to make and communicate with citizens and always propose alternative solutions through the skills that we are putting together on various topics.
addition, while the Mayor impels us to report problems to the Administration, the deputy tells us that is not within its competence to intervene, then who do we turn?
Perhaps the deputy shall have no jurisdiction beyond the protection of the area? In our naivety we thought it would be the interface between citizens and authorities responsible for precisely those actions on the environment (AIPO and Technical Service Basin Trebbia).
Again, we'd love to know how the administration's environmental policy, not talking about specific skills, but at least know if the Assessor has ideas in this regard and this is also the responsibility of someone else?
So we continue on our way, playing the game of "popular participation in activities" which seems to give much trouble for official political structures, face a problem at a time always trying to be proactive and never demagogic and by doing nothing more than a spokesman of the citizens : no election campaign, Mr Deputy Mayor, we leave that to those who are responsible .....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where Can I Buy Tare Panda Plusi


The first step is done! The Mayor of Rottingdean, Giulio Maserati has today sent the answer to our petition for the formation of the new Regulation for the exercise of the popular City.

verbatim the letter:

"City of Rottingdean

Prot 193

Rottofreno, January 11, 2010

Mr. Stefano Al Romanini

and pc

For Sigg , re Municipal Councillors


With reference to the petition presented by the SV along with many signers of the Citizens' Committee "Rottofreno in Motion," I welcome the initiative to promote encouraging popular participation in this Administration to adopt "rules for the exercise of the initiative popular "as required by City Charter.

assure careful examination of the texts deposited in the initiative, so I ask a meeting with the SV to examine the proposal, which could then be the subject of a special meeting of the Conference of Group Leaders in view to recommend approval.

Waiting for reply to arrange the meeting and sending the Municipal Councillors Sigg.ri copy of the petition and the draft regulation, sending you best regards


Giulio Maserati "

We take this opportunity to thank the Mayor for the exquisite Maserati speed and willingness against us. We will do a personal encounter that has been requested.

will be an opportunity to reaffirm the concept of "proactive" of our initiative. The adoption of a Regulation for the popular initiative is not intended as a result of our Committee, but rather a success of the City Administration, in the head. We are and we want to be just a tool for the achievement of benefit to the community.

Finally, we inform our supporters and friends have already done so, today, to contact the Office of the Mayor confirming our full willingness to subpoenas. We look forward to know the date of the meeting.

will keep you informed of developments.

Europien Ballet Foot Strecher


Our movement is spreading more and more.
arrive every day new applications for membership and that makes us happy and proud.
Our philosophy is to bring proposals and concrete projects, not to criticize those who minister to us in a sterile manner.
Being proactive makes everything better!
But to do this are necessary "skills". There are figures that could help the Committee to develop projects with real powers specifications. We need knowledge in civil engineering, city planning, law, Administrative, and so on and so forth!
If you have a skill that you believe will be useful to your country you come with us! Contact us, help so many people, but especially auterai yourself. Thanks
The Committee

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pokemon Xd Gale Of Darkness How To Get Jirachi


The citizen committee "Rottofreno in Motion" notes with satisfaction the timely intervention of the City to clean the banks of the river polluted by Trebbia illegal dump of tires and agrees with the Assessor Panizzari that should be taken tough measures against of those guilty of such a heinous crime environment.
We would however like to emphasize that the monitoring of the territory by the local authorities, at present, does not actually exist and you rely exclusively on the recommendations and the public spirit of private citizens.
As evidence of this the fact that the town of Rottingdean not bother to advertise tires without the intervention of the 25 observed that a few hundred yards upstream on the same side, because of the unacceptable conditions of the riverbed is be a situation to say the least "critical" erosion of the shore. Indeed
near the two mega settling tanks to support the washing gravel quarry near the banks of the river has come to no more than two feet from the tanks (see photo).
in case of future, and some, full of Trebbia, this last thin membrane will surely sweep away with consequent flooding of the basins and the surrounding area.
Therefore we are requesting urgent action to put the City at least in the security section covered.
It seems that the conditions for the realization of the much publicized "Trebbia Park" are not the best. The bed of the river in recent years has been left in total neglect and because of what events are occurring in widespread erosion of the banks, in especially on the left.
Once again we are asking for light on the real environmental policy of the City of Rottingdean. This in our view can not simply point out installations of air quality monitoring stations or corrective action as a result of recommendations from the citizens.
E 'need a structured plan of preventive action well defined. Needless to say we have a thermometer to measure the temperature of the area, need to know which medicines you are using. The Committee

"Rottofreno in Motion"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brent Everett Free Trailers


.. they said the ancient Romans, but also: "Advertising is the soul of commerce ..." said that this a while ago and the symphony has not changed! Recently, articles have proliferated on Freedom of the wonders done by our Hospitality Hall.

Today, for example, in conjunction with the brief statement that information on the petition filed yesterday by our Committee, the provincial newspaper came out with a bell'articolone data of the municipal area in late 2009 entitled "Rottingdean, more and more people ".

The fact that the population has increased can be considered physiological (also seen the unstoppable flow of immigration from other countries), but that concern is that the blurb above the title, which reads: "...... Maserati: Awarded the high quality of life. "

But when ?.... But where Maserati ?...... We are confident that the position is clarified the level of "quality of life" of the municipality that has been called to administer? I honestly doubt we recollect some ...

urban opprobrium as the "barracks" that frame the Piazza della Pace is a source of pride for him, just for the fact that they originated (such as burden of urbanization) the same square? It does not seem right, but ask for more complete review of the traders, who have invested prorpio them, what do you think about ........

The population growth recorded in one year (146 people) represented approximately 65% \u200b\u200bby foreigners. It 'is well known that one of the largest local industry employs, for the most part, employees' non-Italian. " Why not say, then, that the increase is certainly represented the majority of cases by the "family reunion" or passing the word about employment opportunities. High Quality of Life Mr. Mayor? No: need.

These spot-election to worry about that! Remember a little American election campaigns .. so bigoted, so obvious, where everything works beautifully, where all love each other, thanks to the skill of those who Driving! And 'dangerous to say things different from reality. The relationship between citizenship "indigenous" (local) and the newcomers, creak, just turn on the streets, go into the bar, hear what ordinary people say, to understand that things are not as we described them, Mr. Maserati.

But please ... let's stop! If indeed this was an administration on the field would be concerned to integrate with the population growth of basic services to it.

not enough to say, for example, that the problem (because there is a big problem Mr. Mayor) networks for drinking water is the responsibility of Enia "in order to feel ethically right. Must take responsibility for solving problems, not the solution to other Demas!

But it is the way to handle it public that all this administration has, that makes us worried. One example comes from an article yesterday about Freedom for the "air control units" (which dealt in a masterly way our vice-president James Giagnorio in the previous post in this), for the final statements made councilor Panizzari. This young man is not a public administrator asks why it has been accused of having done "too little" (euphemistically speaking) the environment, it aims to do better, says "let's sit at the table" but not to program all together projects concrete environmental improvement ... no! to say we make a comparison between me and the commissioners commissioner earlier .... congratulations !!!!!

What can I say .... the important thing is still appearing, the important thing is to be there for the next "fair vote".

Finally, again in the words of Maserati in Freedom Today we wish to emphasize that if the atmosphere in the area, about integration, is the result of the initiatives dell'assesore Fernanda Cerri, would have been better the lady had not even implemented one of the initiative! On the other hand by un'assssore (The Cerri, in fact) that the public meeting in March 2009 at the cultural center of St. Nicholas, the defending Mr. Paola De Micheli, (to which a senior this was asked whether, as a parliamentarian did not feel "embarrassed" for the salary which was paid), said: ".... we must stop these charges to the cost of politics in Italy we have problems more serious about waste of money, such as the salaries of players .....", well by an assessor with the insight we can not expect much.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Chelsea Charms Autobus

Environmental Policies: the difference between the thermometer and aspirin.

the newspaper "Freedom" today, January 9, 2010, published an article reporting the statements of the town of Rottingdean Councillor environment, which inspired the next installation of two air quality monitoring stations in S. Nicholas and Rottingdean, talks about environmental policies and achievements, in particular cites the environmental certification, but did not specify that certificate, the person who issued it and what is the reference standard (eg over the site of the City not c 'is no trace of this). Before
must have a premise: the environmental certification (the only one I know is that according to UNI EN ISO 14001) requires an environmental policy, planning and implementation of this policy (as a precise and measurable objectives ) and a monitoring and measurement of indicators that allow me to give evidence the achievement of those objectives or not.
An example: suppose to include in my policy for the environment air quality, then I ask myself the goal of maintaining the levels of pollutants below a certain threshold (in this case established by the Ministry), a project and planning activities to achieve this and then I'll check if I have reached and, if maintained over time. In fact there would be another thing to do before and that is where I see now, what are the current levels in order to plan interventions consistent.
From what is apparent from the article, it is not clear how the Administration has done so far to have an environmental policy aimed at air quality no data plus how this could also have been certified. The units are not the solution to the problem, no danger of becoming the problem.
fact, if we think we have a fever thermometer to see the gravity of this second and take aspirin or go to the hospital, but I've never heard of medical protocols that encourage the thermometer as a treatment to lower the fever! It 's a bit the message she wants to come here, that we are sensitive to environmental issues because we put the units, but lacks the rest, namely planning: what does it do? what you're getting? you can think of to implement an environmental policy aimed to assess air quality without traffic, emissions from homes, shops, etc. ... schedule and then actions consistent? (For example, the issue of "bypass Rottofreno" has a lot to do with air quality .....).
So, in my opinion, it is incorrect to speak of monitoring if you do not connect this to the objectives and strategies needed to achieve these results. My impression is that there are objectives and strategies, but do not call them of environmental interest ....
Moreover, even when it comes to regulations to protect citizens against excessive noise, the green plans, plans for the mobile phone and antennas, should always be linked to corrective actions / preventive structured, as we speak of a certificate: if there would be a good thing that most were put in evidence. James

Friday, January 8, 2010

Birthday Verse For A Gran


The quorum of signatures needed to present the petition to the Municipal Consgilio Rottofreno for the formation and implementation of a "rules for the exercise of the popular initiative" is been eclipsed.

had to collect, according to City Charter, the signatures of at least 2% of the population residing in our City on 31 December last year (9 days ago ...). This meant collecting at least 250 signatures. The Steering Committee will meet briefly this evening to do the counting, but counting from an initial estimate to be close to twice the necessary signatures.

This is also why we preferred to minimize the time of collection (ten working days) instead focus on the number of signatures. In fact, given the bureaucratic times we prefer to present the petition as soon as possible.

Tomorrow morning, January 9, 2009 will present the protocol of the City's request.

It 's a very important moment in the history of our territory, for the first time a popular movement to force the council to draw up, in a formal way and finally in a non- long overdue, the only official power to intervene direttamennte citizenship and actively in the work of both the Board that the City Council.

thanks go to all those who day after day they knocked on doors, they turned the streets and squares of the town to ask for signatures, exposing all the reasons for the petition, thanks to the various merchants of shops and bars who have helped in the collection.

The population responded in a participatory manner and aware at this our first project and this we are particularly proud and happy.

Now the presentation. After that, wait (Within the time allowed by statute as well ... not sure if they remember the nostriamministratori) that the issue should be discussed, that we have prepared the draft regulation is adopted, and that our community has also finalmene his REGULATIONS THE PURSUIT OF POPULAR PARTICIPATION.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lynsey Dawn Mckensie 4 Weddinhgs


view of proper behavior that we seek to maintain, as a committee, we wish to correct an article we published a few days ago and since we have eliminated based on incomplete information in our possession.

We said, if I remember that the number of these pharmacies on a municipal area was determined by the Law No. 8 November 1991. 362 which says that pharmacies in communities with fewer than 12,550 inhabitants may be one for every 5,000 people. If so, then Rottofreno (which had just over 11,000 inhabitants at the end of October 2009) could not be opened the third pharmacy.

Well, when you are wrong you need to have fairness and intellectual honesty to admit it. Indeed, the information in our possession were partial and not complete.

E 'enough, in fact, read the resolution of the City Council to realize that the management and periodic review of so-called "organic plants" of pharmacies have been delegated to the Provinces with Regional Law 3 / 1999.

So that the County Council with its resolution number 119 of 01.12.2008 approved the revised staffing plan of urban and rural pharmacies in the province of Piacenza for the year 2008, which approved the request for the establishment the third pharmacy in the village area of \u200b\u200bRottingdean.

After deliberation with the provincial leaders No 292 of 23/02/2009 was prepared to award the City of Rottingdean seat pharmaceutical n.3 urban, newly established by locating nerlla village of San Nicolo. Finally, a note dated 27/02/2009 prot. 0016461 the same Province informed the City of Rottingdean on the ownership of the pharmacy same priority by the City Council by Resolution No. 4 of 12/02/2009 Recommend.

remains the use of the TAR made by the proprietor of the pharmacy of St. Nicholas, an appeal that we may know before you give at this point, additional reviews.

We trust that both you and the same administration.

Our goal, in fact, is not to be "against whatever" but is to be "an incentive anyway."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monster Energy Backbags


We take inspiration from intervention of the Vice-Mayor John Perry appeared in the "Opinions" on page 45 of Freedom on January 4 last year.
Perotti measures in response to a previous writing appeared on the same day by Mr. Romano Braga as a member of the association "Polislab" of St. Nicholas.
Frankly we discuss several issues on which both the parties concerned but it seems more important to focus on the part of the article by Perotti, concerning the so-called tangenzialina of Rottingdean.
verbatim as stated by Vice-Mayor : "... The tangenzialina of Rottofreno: is the stretch of road that is designed to connect the eastern part of the country with the Via Emilia. The city administration is available to revise the initial project approved PRG in 2005 and already funded through a program agreement with the lottizzante, according to a breeze to find an alternate route via Rome and more functional for the citizens of the capital. The city administration has not taken any action at the time Executive about why it is very keen to find an alternative solution more appropriate to the development of the country and the demands of the citizens of this district.
We reiterate our intention to make choices that are the result of a participated and shared with citizens. It should, however, that the public know that the change of the project during construction, involves the use of new planning instruments and especially the finding financial resources for this purpose and that this is not easy nor it can achieve in the short term ..... "

At this point, some questions naturally arises:
1) The municipal council not yet adopted any executive action in regard ? But the famous" Council Resolution "to cancel ' agreement with the manufacturer touted by Vice-Mayor in front of over seventy people, exist or not exist? If there is this resolution, but will appear somewhere. However, if you wanted something different, that was a declaration of intent , necessary to use the right terms. A resolution is a resolution, an intention is an intention ... two completely different things. We, for a few days, I look more "confident" of having proof that the words spent in that meeting were the correct ones, if they ask a different account. E 'policy requires that those who want to learn to respect their partners, beginning with what you said them.
2) The funds are obtained each time the juice becomes the speeches made by administrators. Ch a chant knows more scapegoat than real motivation. In this case, it is our opinion that the disbursements that may be necessary to achieve of a true "tangenzialina" to the east of (and not a horrendous "fallback" as that envisaged in the agreement by lottizzante) could be contained or overcome by little, in the amounts agreed precedentente and, as Perry says, already funded. Our Deputy Mayor will be aware that all "acts / documents" in support of a subdivision are public and therefore available. Imagine, therefore, that we know the estimated costs of the previous work, costs split 50% each between lottizzante (which was also carrying the work load) and the City of Rottingdean. Well, for the modest sum of 804,960.00 (ottocentoquattromila960 €) excluding VAT, of which 81,960.00 only the technical costs, as stated in paragraph 7. Economic pane of the technical report submitted and approved in the above, we believe we can begin designing groped at least (since the money is there already), without waiting for additional new planning instruments .....
Maybe we oversimplify things, but there is, in this scenario those who excessively complicated. However we will return shortly to the question. This is our first objective and will not let this "limbo" once again. The case is resolved, no ifs, ands or buts, in full transparency and in full compliance of all concerned ... of all shapes!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wish For My Friend Engagment

PLAYGROUND FIRE: find those responsible .... BUT ...

full solidarity on the part of all our Committee to the words of Mayor Julius Maserati, because those who have seen those responsible for yesterday's fire to the facilities of the playground Brodolini Via San Nicolò, speak. The culprits must be found and put in front of their responsibilities. Whatever age they have. We can not accept such acts of barbarism without giving a clear and unequivocal answer!

But beyond that, the commitment of the Mayor does not stop here: our first citizen to inform himself: what material they were made structures? A fire like that in a few seconds can not occur without the presence of highly flammable materials .... in a children's playground!

In this case, perhaps, would be in the fire could be triggered at any time, a cigarette would be enough of a father or a mother distracted ...
are only hypotheses, of course, but we ask the Mayor to make informed citizen about the materials that formed the equipment were destroyed in the fire yesterday ..... also hope to find as soon as those responsible for this act uncivilized.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome Sheet For Wedding Template


Here we are after the holidays. We hope that everything went according to your expectations, that the holidays are spent in serenity.
Well, these last few days before our Committee have been a little bit (but just a little bit ..) external shaken by controversy, but this has not prevented us to recharge the batteries and be ready to go, if possible, even more motivated than before. On the other hand, we estimated that we would greatly "bothered" and therefore knew in advance that we would be criticized in profusion.
topics that we face are many and varied, the work ahead is challenging and could lead, if not addressed in an organized manner to a dispersal of forces to arrive, finally, to the natural dissolution committee. The best way to tackle a new problem is to do it when the previous one is' fixed.

In the coming days we will present our first petition or that the formation of the Regulations of People's Initiative. This will be the "tool" to interact with in the administration Hall. Got what surely will act to define the topic "South Tangenzialina Rottofreno" as an alternative to the use of Via Guareschi.
definitely go back on the subject by asking, in a formal explanation about the state of the art for the famous resolution of the council that would "set aside" what had been agreed between the City of Rottingdean and the ownership of the residential area called "Park Lodge Rio" with the convention planning for the implementation of the Urban Plan Implementation Rottofreno zone 2, which was concluded on December 29, 2007 before the notary Dr. Massimo Toscani. The cancellation of the agreement made in such a place had been announced to the many participants at the beginning of the first meeting of the Committee, dated back to December 4, 2009 by Vice-Mayor John Perotti.
If indeed it is a Council resolution was adopted (and we do not have at present no reason to doubt the statement) it should exist and this resolution copy should be included in the list of those available on the website of the City of Rottingdean. Unfortunately now not been heard.
Your signatures for the petition are also in place to this, ensure that they can no longer make verbal statements without having to confirm with facts or official records.

There are other issues that concern us but that we will face not just solved the question above. But the one you want to mention a bit about why we can meditate: premise that we are all convinced that a third pharmacy in our town is certainly a good thing, and if this pharmacy, then, is "local" even better.
But the question that we all must ask is: "are the words because they may open a third pharmacy "and if so, well ... if not, why the city administration has issued an invitation to tender for a private pharmacy of the future city?

To give just a hint: the Law of 8 November 1991 nr. 362, Article 1 "pharmacy-population ratio" in paragraph 2:03 states: "The number of autorizzaioni is defined so that there is one pharmacy per 5,000 (five thousand) people to the towns up to 12,500 inhabitants and a pharmacy every 4,000 inhabitants in other municipalities.
The surplus population, compared to the parameters of the second paragraph is computed for opening a pharmacy, where it is at least 50% of the parameters themselves. "

Well, our City today counts less than 12,000 inhabitants, so ........ but we'll talk about later.